The Top 11 Organizing Myths
It's no secret that there are a lot of myths about the idea of organization. Many people may not believe it's for them for a plethora of reasons ranging from not wanting to part with their personal belongings to not thinking that they have the time to create an organized household.
However, most of the reasons why people might not invest their time into finding order in their homes are based on misconceptions around what it actually means to be organized.
11 Benefits Of An Organized Home You Need To Know About
We all know how much clutter can affect our lives. By organizing our home, we're able to enjoy more free time, save money, be more social, reduce waste, plan our space out better, and more! With all of these benefits, it's not hard to see why so many people are looking for ways to declutter their homes.
The good news is that organizing your home doesn't have to be a daunting task or cost you an arm and a leg! There are plenty of easy methods for getting started with decluttering your space, including using things like storage bins, stacking furniture vertically in rooms where possible, and creating designated areas for specific items.
If you're not sure where to start on your organizing process, we're happy to help. NY Organized offers professional organizers who will work with you one-on-one at any stage of the process to help create a custom plan that fits into your schedule and budget. Reach out today if we can offer any assistance in getting started!
Do You Need a Professional Home Organizer?
Is your home unorganized?
Do you find yourself cramming so many items into a closet that you can't even locate the everyday necessities you need?
It's easy to find yourself overwhelmed with the state of your house, especially as the items start to pile up. If this sounds similar to the situation you're facing, it might be time to hire a professional organizer. In our in-depth guide, we'll help you understand what a professional home organizer is, the services included, and if it's the right fit for your specific situation.